5 moon avenue 23december mary wright personnel department 22 rocks road dear ms wright i am writing to apply for the post of assistant editor. i get this new which advertised in the moring paper of 20 december. since graduating from anyang normal university, my major is english secretary. i earn application of english secretarial certificate and computer-level certificate during my college life. i have been working for ems company. i have become particularly interested in interactive and multimedia work. now, i want to develop my career in that direction. i would welcome the opportunity to work as a part of your company. i will do my best to make a significant contribution while developing my skills further. i would be happy to show you a portfolio of my work. i am available for interview next week and look forward to hearing forming you. yours sincerely eric smith閱讀本人的人還閱讀了:收銀員應聘書 應聘理由怎么寫