《牛津小學英語4A》Unit6 Whose gloves?(精選9篇)
《牛津小學英語4A》Unit6 Whose gloves? 篇1
1.three skills: big 、small、 long、 short、 try this one\pair on. whose…is this\are they? it’s\they’re…it’s too…
2.two skills: so funny、 she looks so funny.
教學難點:whose… is this\are they?及其答句的區分。
step1 revision
2.revise the greetings.
the way: 整體問答
the way: 運用圖片,進行整體到個別的答問練習,再隨機談論同學的服裝。
step 2 presentation
2.teach: gloves
the way: 運用實物、圖片進行教學,并滲透語音教學。
3.隨機教: big、small
4.teach: jeans、short、long (in the same way)
step 3 presentation
1.呈現并教學: whose… are they? they are…
the way:
(1)師拿手套自問自答:whose gloves are they? they are my father’s. whose jeans are they? they’re miss yang’s. 再用學生的學習用品問,讓學生學會說答句:they’re…
(2)再呈現問句:whose… are they? 領讀、分組讀、分行讀
(4)pair work
2.teach: whose… is this? it’s …
the way: 師故意拿一單數物品讓學生提問,糾錯過程中呈現并操練。
3.play a game:猜物主
4.呈現并教學:try this one on. try this pair on. it’s too … they are so … so funny
he\she looks so funny.
the way:
(3)practice in threes.
(4)act out.
step 4 practice
1.look at the picture, listen to the tape and repeat.
2.read after teacher then practice in pairs.
3.check several pairs.
step 5 consolidation
3.act out.
本節課的內容是第六單元的第一課時,重點是詢問物主:whose…is this/are they?及其應答,另外還要學習一些服裝類單詞gloves,jeans及形容詞big,small,long,short;try this one on/try this pair on.為了合理地組織課堂教學,體現新課程的理念,我設計了如下幾個步驟:
1.復習時首先安排say a rhyme,說說破服裝衣帽名稱,再運用圖片從整體到個別復習服裝類單詞,談論同學的穿著,這樣安排使學生迅速進入學習英語的情境,同時喚起并加深學生的記憶,為新課的展開作了很好的鋪墊。
2.呈現課題時因勢利導學習新單詞gloves,自然過渡,單詞教學注重直觀(用實物),形容詞教學時注意對比,big/small,long/short同時呈現,并用圖片替代中文板書,為的是讓學生根據事物形象直接用英語思維。呈現句型時先讓學生學會說答句,再說問句,遵循先聽后說的原則,聽清楚了再說,說上口了再認,這樣低點子、小步子分步呈現降低了難度,安排猜一猜的游戲是為了鞏固所學的新句型,也調節了一下學習氣氛。新課程中強調教學情景要與學生的生活實際相聯系,要以教材為主體,把生活引進課堂,因此我教try this one on/try this pair on時,設計了學生都熟悉的到商店買服裝的情境,讓學生在真實的情境中通過老師的體態語言體會句子的意思,然后以任務型的方式編演對話,再大組派代表表演,這樣增強了學生的競爭意識與合作精神。
《牛津小學英語4A》Unit6 Whose gloves? 篇2
本課選自《牛津小學英語4a》中的unit6。這套教材從視聽入手,注重聽說訓練,著重培養學生的語感和初步運用英語進行簡單日常交流的能力,通過聽、說、讀、寫、唱、游、演、畫、做等活動激發學生的學習興趣,幫助學生養成良好的學習習慣,形成有效的學習方法,發展自主學習的能力,為進一步學習打下基礎,書中的各單元內容貼近學生的生活和學習實際,unit6的核心教學內容是“尋找物主”,要求學生圍繞服飾類的單詞,在一定的情景下,能正確使用 whose is this/are they?進行交談,并能對物體用形容詞big. small. long .short來進行描述,并能靈活運用,基于此,結合本單元a. read and say , b. look. read and learn的內容較多,故選a中的1、2、3幅圖和b中的部分單詞安排在第一課時教授。
(1).能聽懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞big. small. long . short . sweater. jacket. whose。
(2).能正確地聽、讀單詞a pair of jeans .a pair of gloves。
(3).能聽得懂、會說和會讀日常交際用語the is /are too……try this one/pair on 。能初步運用whose 來進行簡單問答,回答’s。
2、 能力目標:使學生能熟練地應用本課所學的語言知識,進行日常交際,形成綜合運用語言的能力。
3、 情感目標:以情感培育人,以興趣吸引人,通過引導學生參與游戲、表演,對話等豐富多彩的教學活動,營造一種輕松愉快的教學氛圍,讓學生充滿樂趣地學習,并從中獲得美感。
1、 直觀情景教學法:本課將通過實物(服飾、其它物品等),創設出一些語境,讓學生體驗語言的真實,自然及語言的交際功能。
2、 整體語言教學法:本課通過實物的演示,讓學生試穿服裝,去體會big. small. long. short的含義,讓學生進行整體感知,而非孤立地去死記硬背,從而學會說try this one /pair on 。
3、 活動式教學法:通過設計情景,采用多種多樣的活動,圍繞參加party去選擇衣服這一內容,把書本知識融進活動中,讓學生在活動中不斷地吸收,內化所學知識。
1、 師生交流,通過師生相互問好,演唱歌曲“we are happy bees”,營造一種輕松的學習氛圍,學生可以邊唱邊表演,這樣就很快進入一種自覺的語言狀態,
通過一些實物,學生比較喜愛的如balloon. apple等,用以前學過的what’s this /that in english? do you like……?is it nice?等這樣的問答自然地帶出以前聽學過的“big . small. long. short”,如教師可說:do you like balloons? i have some big ballons here’s a big balloon for you.等。
教師展示一下自己的漂亮衣服,告訴學生今天要去參加一個生日party,詢問有哪些同學愿意一起去?用這一活動來引起學生的興趣,讓他們處于一種興奮狀態,全身心地投入到學習中去,這時教師可讓一個學生上講臺,幫他打扮一下,例如梳頭等,整理衣服等,然后自然地引出:your sweater is too long. do you like a new one? s: yes. t : please take it off.幫助學生脫下sweater,指著一件毛衣說:try this one on.學生穿上后,教師可指著遠處的一件說:oh. it’s too small. try that one on 自然地引出了單詞sweater. small. 出示圖片,讓學生認知,體會too……讓學生學會評價it’s too……,教會學生用try this one on .同樣的方法可以教big .jacket,利用hat. coat. dress等,創設類似的情景,讓學生做替換練習,讓學生在真實的情景中理解句子的含義。
(2)教a pair of shoes .the shoes are too…….try this pair on 時可以穿插long .short 這對反義詞進拼讀訓練,例如:教師可讓一男生上臺,對他說i have a pair of shoes .do you like this pair? here you are. try this pair on.引出a pair of shoes 進行認讀,當學生穿上太大時,教師可說:the shoes are too big. try this pair on.同樣的方法可以教會學生用a pair of jeans進行替換訓練,引出“long .short”這對反義詞,進行認真拼寫訓練,并在真實的情景中學會說try this pair on。
(3)這時教師可帶著已打扮好的學生去birthday party。開門后教師裝出冷的樣子,退回教室說:oh, it’s so cold. i need to put my gloves on。教會學生認讀單詞a pair of gloves ,并讓學生回座位戴手套,學生可能沒帶,向同學借了后,教師可問:the gloves are too big .whose gloves?可啟發式地問“’s?”讓學生明白并回答“’s”,這時就可出示新單詞whose進行拼讀訓練,可用其它物品進行替代練習,whose……?’s。在此可穿插一個“猜物主”游戲,教師拿出事先準備好的物品,當學生拿到手中的物品時,全班學生問:whose……?讓其回答’s。猜對了,教師可給予獎勵,大家一起說“try this one on”“ try this pair on.”待其穿好后進行評價it’s too ____, the___ are too____。
(4)教師在游戲后可以演示一段多媒體,內容為某位學生的birthday party場景,看完以后讓學生回答whose birthday?這時教師出示掛圖,告訴學生su yang and su klai也去參加birthday party,讓學生聽錄音,聽聽他們的談話內容,回答教師的問題:
1、i’s su hai’s dress small?
2、are su hai’s jeans long or short?
3、where are they?
(5)操練鞏固:教師通過詢問,哪些同學也愿意參加birthday party,教師說:“let’s do some shopping to buy some new clothes then go to the party。”引導學生進入一個購物情景,綜合運用以前所學的句型進行對話表演,教師可與一學生示范。如:can i help you? what would you like? i’d like ___ , do you like___ ? it’s too ___. the ___are too ___. try this one /pair on. how much is it /are they……?進一步發展他們的口頭表達能力,最后可以小組以單位進行比賽,各派一名同學上臺購物并當場試穿,全班同學進行評價,選出最佳服飾儀表獎,然后教師帶了他們拿著禮物說:now let’s go to the party。
抄寫單詞long .short . big. small. whose .sweater. jacket及句子it’s too small. try this one on the jeans are too long . try this pair on。
unit6 whose gloves?
a sweater small it’s too small.
a jacket big try this one on
a pair of jeans long the jeans are too long .
a pair of gloves short try this pair on
本節課圍繞參加birthday party展開活動,讓學生自己挑選衣服,精心打扮,并給以評價,在真實的情景中,教學層次分明,過渡自然,緊扣教學內容,使學生在真實的情景中直觀學習,加深印象,激發學習興趣,培養他們學習英語的積極態度,啟迪思維,使他們成為學習的主體,并在學習中受到了美的教育。
《牛津小學英語4A》Unit6 Whose gloves? 篇3
(1) 知識目標
1. 能聽得懂,會說,會讀和會拼寫單詞:a sweater, a jacket以及a pair of shoes
2. 能聽得懂,會說,會讀單詞:a scarf, a pair of socks, a pair of gloves
3. 能聽得懂,會說,會讀和會寫句型whose… is this/are they? it’s/they’re….
4. 能掌握服飾類單詞中復數單詞得形式和用法以及與動詞be和代詞連用時的一致關系
5. 能理解’s的含義
(2) 能力目標
1. 能運用所學語言尋找物品的主人
(3) 情意目標
1. 撿到東西要還給別人
2. 自己的東西要看管好
1. 能按三會,四會要求掌握本課單詞,句型。
1. 服飾類單詞單,復數的形式與用法以及與動詞be和代詞連用時的一致關系。
(二)free talk
t: today, i’m very happy. so i’m wearing some new clothes. look at my new sweater.
ss: it’s nice!
t: thank you.
(三)play a game(用游戲的形式復習以前學過的服飾單詞)
t: now let’s paly a guessing game
what’s this?
ss: it’s a ….
(1)呈現 a jacket, a sweater, a scarf以及句型whose…is this?
1. t: you lost a lot of clothes last pe lesson. i picked them up and took them here in this box. look, what’s this?
ss: it’s a jacket. (spell it)
t: yes, this is a jacket. (show the sentwnce)
1. read it 2. show: this is+ 單數 (a…) 3. make sentences
t: this is a jacket. is this your jacket?
s1: no, it isn’t.
t: is this your jacket?
s2: no, it isn’t.
t: whose jacket is this? (repeat) please guess.
you may answer: “perhaps it’s ’s. it’s ’s, i think.”
s: perhaps it’s ’s.
t: look, it’s ’s. (show: it’s ’s.)
t: whose jacket is this?
s: it’s ’s.
show: whose(read and spell)
show: whose…(jacket) is this? (read)
s1: whose jacket is this?
s2: it’s ’s.
t: , is this your jacket?
s1: yes, it is.
t: here you are. don’t forget next time.
2. t: look, whzt’s this?
ss: it’s a sweater. (spell it)
t: let’s ask together.
ss: whose sweater is this?
s1: it’s ’s.
t: look, it’s ’s.
ss: , is his your sweater?
s: yes, it is.
ss: here you are.
t: thank you.
3. t: this is a scarf.(read)
boys: whose scarf is this?
t: perhaps, it’s ’s.
girls: whose scarf is this?
t: perhaps, it’s ’s.
(2)呈現 a pair of shoes, a pair of socks以及a pair of gloves
1. t: look, this is a shoe. (read)
here’s another shoe. two shoes.
two is a pair. means a pair of shoes
they are shoes.
show: theythey are shoes.(read)
show: they are +復數
make sentences.
t: they are shoes. whose shoes are they? guess. you may answer “ they’re ’s.”
show: they’re=they are
2.t: they’re shoes and socks.
show: a sock, socks, a pair of socks.
t: whose socks are they? let’s ask the tv together.
ss: whose socks are they?
s1: they’re ’s.
3.t: look, this is a pair of gloves.
show: glove, gloves, a pair of gloves.
t: read the title
s1: whose gloves are they?
s2: they’re ’s.
practice in pairs.
1. paly a game
2. do the puzzle
3. write the sentence
1、copy the four-skilled words four times.
2、practice the new sentences with each other .
牛津小學英語4a unit 6 whose gloves? (b和c部分) 來自第一范文網。
《牛津小學英語4A》Unit6 Whose gloves? 篇4
課 題
unit 1 may i have…?第一課時(新授課)
1、認知:(1)能正確聽說讀寫單詞 a pen, a ball pen, a pencil, a book。
(2)能正確聽說讀單詞a copybook, a ruler, a rubber, a pencil case, a bookmark, a notebook, a school bag。
(3)能正確聽說讀寫句型may i have…?
(4)能正確聽說讀日常交際用語yes./sure. here you are. thank you.
教 學 準 備
教 學 方 法
step 1: warming up
1. introduction 2. chant
3. free talk and revision
t: what’s this on your desk/ in your desk/ in your pencil case…?
s: it’s a pen/ ruler/ rubber/ knife/ book/copybook/ school bag/ crayon.
step 2: presentation and practice
1. learn new words and sentences
a. learn “a pen”
t: boys and girls, today i am very happy, because i have a new bag. look! it’s very nice. i like it very much. but what’s in my bag? who can guess?
s guess.
t: let me see. yes, / no, there is a pen. (read and spell)
b. learn the sentence
t: may i have a pen?(t帶讀句型并做替換練習,用a ruler, a rubber, a pencil case, a copybook, a school bag 注意may, i, have的發音)
s make sentences. t: yes. / sure. here you are. s read.
c. learn “a ball pen”
t: boys and girls, look. is it a pen? no, it isn’t. it’s a ball pen. (read and spell)
t: may i have a ball pen? s: sure. / yes. here you are.
(read the sentences.)
d. learn “a pencil” “a pencil case”
t: may i have a pencil? s: yes. /sure. here you are.
t: thank you. (read and spell)
t: may i have a pencil box/ case?
s: yes. /sure. here you are. t: thank you.
(read the word 比較pencil box與pencil case)
e. learn “a book”
t: may i have a book? s: yes. /sure. here you are.
t: thank you. (read and spell)
f. learn “a bookmark”
t: look, what’s this? it’s a bookmark. (read the word)
g. learn “notebook”
t: look, is it a book? is it a storybook? is it a copybook? it’s a notebook. (比較copybook與notebook)
(read the word)
2. play a game: what’s missing?
3. practise
t: boys and girls, you are very clever. you have learned so many new words. what voice? (噓,假裝在聽包說悄悄話,并不時點頭作高興狀) she tells me that she likes you very much. if you can use the sentence “may i have…?” she will give you what you want.
step 3: consolidation
1. ask and answer(part c)
2. play a game: 在文具店
t: now we are in the stationery shop. i’m the shop
assistant. who’d like to be the customer?
s1: may i have…? t: what colour? / what about…?
s1: oh, i’d like … t: sure. / yes. here you are.
s1: thank you. how much is it? t: …yuan, please.
作 業
1.copy the new words and sentences.
2. listen to the tape and repeat part b three times.
3. write the dialogues of part c in books
unit1 may i have…?
may i have…?
yes. / sure. here you are.
《牛津小學英語4a》unit 1第一課時表格式教案 來自第一范文網。
《牛津小學英語4A》Unit6 Whose gloves? 篇5
課 題
unit 6 whose gloves? 第二課時(新授課)
1、認知:(1) 四會單詞:big, small, long, short。
(2) 三會單詞:a dress, a skirt, now, go, so, funny, father。
(3) 三會句型:try this one/ pair on.
(4) 進一步掌握上節課所學單詞、句型。
2、能力:能理解’s 的含義
教 學 準 備
教 學 方 法
step 1: free talk
t: what’s this in english? s: it’s a pair of jeans.
t: whose jeans are they? s: they are …’s.
t: what’s this? s: it’s a scarf.
t: whose scarf is it? s: it’s…’s.
t: work in pairs like this.
step 2: presentation
t: what’s this? s: it’s a jacket.
t: whose jacket is it? s: it’s my jacket
t: try this jacket on. s: ok.
t: oh. it’s too small. try this one on. s: ok.
t: oh, it’s pretty.
帶讀句型,it’s too small. try this one on. it’s pretty.
t: look, what’s this? s: it’s a sweater.
t: whose sweater is it? s: it’s …’s.
t: now try this sweater on. s: ok.
t: oh, it’s too small. try this one on. s: ok.
t: yes. it’s nice.
t: now, work in pairs like this.
t: look. what’s this? s: it’s a pair of jeans.
t: try it on, please. s: ok.
t: it’s too long. try that one on please. s: ok.
t: good, it’s smart.
帶讀句型it’s too long/small/big/short.
t: what’s this? s: it’s a pair of gloves.
t: try it on. s: ok.
t: oh, it’s too short. try this one on please. s: ok.
t: you look so nice. s: thank you.
t: not at all.
t: now work in pairs like this.
step 3: 呈現課文
t: open your books. listen to the tape and repeat.
t: now. listen to the tape and answer my questions: 1.whose gloves are they?
2. whose skirt is this?
t: now read the dialogue after me
t: read the dialogue by yourselves and act the dialogue in groups.
step 4: consolidation
作 業
1. listen to the tape and repeat part a bthree times.
2. copy the new words and sentences.
unit 6 whose gloves?
whose…is this/ are they?
it’s/ they’re…’s.
the…is/ are too…
try this one/ pair on.
…looks so funny.
《牛津小學英語4A》Unit6 Whose gloves? 篇6
課 題
unit 7 it’s late 第二課時(新授課)
1、認知:1) 進一步掌握上節課所學單詞、句型。
2) 三會單詞及短語have breakfast, go to school, get up, watch tv, go to bed, lunch。
3) 能聽懂、會說、會讀句型what time do you…? i…at… it’s time to…
句型what time do you…? i…at…的運用。
教 學 準 備
教 學 方 法
step 1: warming up
1. 迅速記下列的電話號碼及車牌號。
6791058 6221387 7216532 5418021
681208 102345。
2. listen and clap
教師說數詞,學生根據所聽到的數詞拍手,如師說two ,生連拍兩次手。此次活動,學生不僅興趣盎然,而且從中鞏固了數詞。
3. free talk
圍繞上節課所學的句型what’s the time? it’s …進行交談。
step 2: presentation
t: what’s the time? s: it’s…
t: yes. read after me
(教師教授句型what’s the time? it’s---.講解時間的表示方法)
t: now, what’s the time? s: it’s…
t: now work in pairs.
t: what’s the time? s: it’s 7:30.
t: it’s late. go to school now. s: ok/ all right.
t: so what time do you go to school?
s: i go to school at 7:30.
教授句型what time do you ----? i…at…
t: what’s the time? s: it’s 4:30.
t: go home now! s: ok./ all right
t: what time do you go home?
t: what time do you…? s: at….
t: what time do you…? s: at…
t: ask and answer in pairs like this.
step 3: ask and answer
1. 出示掛圖,生明確圖意。
2. practice in pairs .生口頭操練。
3. 指名到前面表達。
在學生回答完時間后,引導學生根據畫面內容用it’s time to …的句型作補充回答,進行自編對話。
4. 指導學生書寫。
step4: work in groups
1. review
a.生聽口令做動作。get up have breakfast go to school have lunch go home watch tv go to bed
t: what time do you get up /go to school …?
s: i get up /go to school …at …
作 業
1. listen to the tape.
2. copy the new words and sentences.
unit 7 it’s late
what’s the time, please?
it’s time to…
what time do you…?
《牛津小學英語4A》Unit6 Whose gloves? 篇7
課 題
unit 2 in a toy shop 第一課時(新授課)
1、認知: (1) 聽懂、會說、會讀單詞a panda, a monkey, a bear, a rabbit。
(2) 聽懂、會說、會讀、會寫單詞a dog, a cat, a tiger, a lion。
(3) 能正確聽說讀寫句型what’s this/ that? it’s…
lion, rabbit, this, that 的發音,四會單詞的拼寫
教 學 準 備
教 學 方 法
情境教學、游戲教學 、實物教學、朗讀教學
step 1 free talk
t: good morning, boys and girls. ss: good morning.
t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you?
t: i am fine, too. do you like animals?
ss: mm…(老師可學一些動物的聲音、體態等等,以啟發學生) ss: yes.
t: ok. today let’s learn animals.
step 2 presentation and drill
t: what’s this?( 單詞卡a dog)
t: right. i like it. do you like it?(梢作解釋)
t: can you spell dog? let’s try.
板書 a dog ,帶讀,正音。指導拼寫
t: look, what colour is the dog?
t: and what’s this?(單詞卡,a cat)
t: yes, can you imitate a cat?
t: good. but can you spell cat?
板書a cat, 帶讀,正音。指導拼寫
t: what’s this ?is it a cat?(單詞卡a tiger)
t: can you imitate a tiger?
板書a tiger,帶讀,正音。指導拼寫
t: we have done well just now. next let’s learn some other animals.
出示單詞卡a panda
t: what’s this?
t: can you spell panda?
板書 a panda, 帶讀,正音。指導拼寫
t: what’s this?(單詞卡a rabbit)
t: what colour is it?
板書 a rabbit ,帶讀,正音,指導拼寫
t: look. what’s this?(單詞卡 a lion)
t: can you imitate a lion?(比一比看誰模仿的象)
t: you act very good. but can you read and spell it?
板書 a lion , 帶讀,正音。指導拼寫
t: what’s this?(單詞卡a bear)
t: yes, it’s a bear.
板書 a bear, 帶讀,正音。指導拼寫
t: can you find some ways to recite this word?( 引導學生用pear 去記 bear)
t: can you imitate a bear?
t: last. what’s this?(單詞卡a monkey)
t: can you spell monkey?
板書 a monkey, 帶讀,正音。指導拼寫
step 3: consolidation
1. game
2. 擦去板書上單詞的元音字母,讓學生填空
3. 同桌之間練習c部分對話。
作 業
1. copy the new words and sentences.
2. listen to the tape and repeat part b three times.
unit 2 in a toy shop
what’s this/ that?
it is a…
《牛津小學英語4a》unit 2第一課時 來自第一范文網。
《牛津小學英語4A》Unit6 Whose gloves? 篇8
1、初步掌握四會單詞eat, drink, write, read, close, open。
2、初步掌握三會單詞draw, copy, new, word。
3、能正確聽說讀祈使句:stand up. sit down. read/ copy/ write the new words, please. draw…for me, please.及其回答ok. / yes. / all right.
step 1: free talk
t: nice to meet you, boys and girls.
s: nice to meet you, too.
t: welcome to my class. i’m miss liu. i’m very happy to give you an english class here. you know i’m an english teacher. i like english. do you like english?
s: yes, i do.
t: i like playing games, too. do you like playing games?
s: yes, i do.
t: good. now let’s play a game. look, i have a magic box. do you want to know what’s in it? who’d like to come here and open it?
(s1 open the box.)
t: what’s this in english?
s1: it’s a…
t: do you like this…?
s1: yes, i do.
t: here’s a …for you.
s1: thank you.
t: not at all.
step 2: presentation and practice
1. learn: open
read and spell the word, then make phrases.
open the box/ window/ door/…
2. learn: eat
t: there’s something in the box. s1, open the box, please. look, what’s this?
s1: it’s an orange.
t: boys and girls, would you like to eat the orange?
s: yes.
read and spell the word, then make phrases.
eat a hamburger/ cake/ an apple/ …
3. learn: drink
t: there’s something in the box. s2, open the box, please. look, there’s some water. would you like to drink some water?
s: yes.
read and spell the word, then make phrases.
drink some juice/ milk/…
4. learn: close
t: look, the box is empty. s3, close the box, please.
s: ok.
read and spell the word, then make phrases.
close the box/ window/ door/…
5. sing a song
6. play a game: listen and guess
7. learn: draw
t: would you like to eat the apple? i don’t have any apples here. let me draw an apple for you.
read and spell the word, then make phrases.
8. learn: write, write the word
t: i’ll write the word …
read and spell the word, then read the phrase.
9. learn: copy, copy the new word
t: who can copy the word…?
read and spell the word, then read the phrase.
10. learn: read, read the new word
t: can you read the new word?
s: yes.
read and spell the word, then read the phrase.
11. practice in pairs
a: draw a pear for me, please. b: ok. / yes. / all right.
write the word, please.
copy the word, please.
read the word, please.
step 3: look, choose and say
1. read the sentences.
2. choose the sentence for every picture.
3. t check
step 4: play a game: 發號“師”令
step 5: homework
unit 8 in class
draw a dog for me, please. ok. / yes. / all right.
write the new word, please.
copy the new word, please.
read the new word, please.
《牛津小學英語4A》Unit6 Whose gloves? 篇9
課 題
unit 3 a purse 第一課時(新授課)
1、認知:(1)能正確聽說讀寫單詞a key, a purse, a tape, a fan,an。
(2)能正確聽說讀單詞umbrella, a water bottle, a storybook, a classroom。
(3)能正確聽說讀寫句型is this/ that my/ your/ his/ her…?yes, it is. /no, it isn’t. where’s my/ your/ his/ her…? perhaps it’s in/on…
教 學 準 備
教 學 方 法
step 1: warming up
1. greetings
2. sing a song “we are happy bees”
step 2: presentation and practice
1. learn to say “a fan” read after the t(a fan) spell
2. learn to say “a water bottle”
read after the t (a water bottle)
3. learn to say “an umbrella”
read after the t (an umbrella)
4. learn to say “a purse”
s read after the t.
5. learn to say “a key及where’s…?”
a. play a game: touch and guess由此引出新單詞
b. t: look, it’s a key.
read after the t(a key) spell
c. t (將鑰匙放在別處):where’s my key?
read after the t (where’s=where is, where’s…?)
(my/ your/ his/ her fan/ umbrella/ radio/ walkman/ clock/ watch/ box/ basket/ camera…)
6. learn to say “a tape 及is this your…? yes, it is.”
read after the t (a tape ,拼讀,where’s my tape?)
read after the t (is this…? yes, it is.)并做替換練習
practice in pairs t&s s&s
7. learn to say “a crayon及is that your…? no, it isn’t. it’s…”
a. read after the t (a crayon, where’s my crayon?)
b. read after the t (is that…? no, it isn’t. it’s…)
c. practice in pairs t&s s&s
8. learn to say “a storybook及perhaps…is in/ on…”
a. read after the t (a storybook, where’s my storybook?)
b. read after the t (classroom, perhaps…is in/on…)
c. practice in pairs t&s s&s
step 3: consolidation
work in pairs
作 業
1. listen to the tape and repeat part b three times.
2. copy the new words and sentences.
3. preview part a
4. write the dialogues of part c in books.
unit 3 a purse
where’s my/ your/ his/ her…?
is this/ that my/ your/ his/ her…?
yes, it is. no, it isn’t. it’s…’s.
perhaps…is in/ on…