《牛津小學英語》6B Unit 2 第四課時
教學內容:d部分 listen and write和h部分say a rhyme.教學目標:
1. 能聽懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞fish,能聽懂、會說和會讀詞組animal show, go for a walk.
2. 會誦讀歌謠run,rabbit, run!
step1 revision
1. group work. 小組表演上節課布置的任務,分角色表演對話。
游戲名稱:紙袋偶paper—bag puppet
①制作紙袋偶,在紙袋上畫上五官,并剪出眼睛和嘴巴,并按照人物特征(jim, dad)進行修飾。
2. complete the sentences.根據課文內容完成填空。
①jim is ______ _______ english and maths, but he ______ _______ do well in pe.
②do you ______ help_______your homework?
③ben ________ ________ than me.
④jim is _______ as _______as the other boys.
⑤do _________ exercise. you’ll get __________.
check the answers.
read the sentences together.
step2 presentation.學習d部分
1. 學習單詞fish,詞組animal show, go for a walk.
一人背對著表演者發指令,另一人背對指令者做動作。指令參照:this is a monkey. he can jump high. look, he can jump higher. i’m a tiger /… i’m fish. i can swim. i can swim very fast… but now i don’t want to do other things, i just want to go for a walk.
②引出新知:fish, go for a walk.
read after the teacher. 注意:go for a walk 和 take a walk聯系起來,新舊知識對比。
③do you like this‘animal show’?
learn:animal show.
④all the students show.
2. look at the picture.
①questions:who are they? where are they? what may they talk about?
②guess and say. 猜一猜四道題的內容。
③listen to the tape twice.
⑤check the answers, then read.
3. question:what should they see?
step3 say a rhyme‘run, rabbit, run!’
1. look at the picture and guess.看圖片,猜測歌謠內容。
2. read the rhyme. 認讀歌謠中已經學過的單詞和句子。
3. listen to the tape. 要求學生注意語音、語調、語氣。
4. what does the rhyme mean? 進一步猜測歌謠內容。在此過程中學習詞組different sport.(不同的運動)和句子 running is great fun! 最后總結:they have a lot of fun.(玩得開心)
5. read after the tape. 跟讀歌謠。
6. read the rhyme by yourselves.
step4 consolidation.
1. listen and write.
①there’s an animal show over there. let’s go and watch it.
②the monkeys and bears can skate so well.
③how about going for a walk around the lake?
④the fish swim faster than the ducks.
⑤well done, well done!
2. say and chant.教師帶領學生按照節奏邊說歌謠邊做跳繩動作,每說一個節拍就必須跳一次,活躍課堂氣氛。
step5 布置作業
1. 讀寫d部分,看誰寫出的句子最多最生動。
2. 完成 補充習題a部分和e部分。
fish, animal show, go for a walk.