洛陽的導游詞范文 篇1
洛陽的導游詞范文 篇2
洛陽的導游詞范文 篇3
洛陽的導游詞范文 篇4
洛陽市位于河南省西部、黃河中游南岸。古時稱水之北為陽,洛陽地處洛水之北,故稱洛陽。洛陽處于北溫帶,屬大陸性氣候,春季干旱,夏熱多雨,秋季溫和,冬季寒冷。年均氣溫14.86℃,年均降水量578.2毫米。 洛陽是我國七大古都之一,馳名中外的歷史文化名城,居“天下之中”,素有“九州腹地”之稱。北臨嵯峨逶迤的邙嶺,南對亙古聳黛的嵩山。
洛陽市區面積544平方公里,人口100萬,市場容量和發展潛力巨大。是以農業機械、礦山機械制造為主的工業城市。手工藝制品有唐三彩、宮燈、仿青銅制品。 景觀:龍門石窟、白馬寺、關林、古墓博物館、千唐志齋、白云山、老君山、雞冠洞、玄奘故里。
洛陽的導游詞范文 篇5
Located in the West of Henan Province, Luoyang got its name due to itslocation in the adret of the ancient Luoshui River. It is a historic city withmore than three thousand years history. It was the capital city for ninedynasties, including the East Zhou, East Han, Caowei, West Jin, North Wei, Sui,Wuzhou, Late Liang, Late Tang, so it is named as the "Ancient Capital of theNine Dynasties", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China. TheHeluo area with Luoyang as the center is the important origin of the HuaxiaCivilization. The most prosperous period of Luoyang was in t
LuoYang City Instruction
Luoyang is located in the western part of Henan province, stretching acrossthe middle reaches of the Yellow River. It has jurisdiction over 1 city, 8counties and 6 districts with a total area of 15,208 square kilometers including544 square kilometers of urban area. Its population totals 6.24 million of whichover 1.40 million living in urban areas. As a city famous for its splendidhistory and profound culture, Luoyang has become a shining gem in central partof China for its abundant and characteristic modern civilization.----Luoyang hasbeen known as "an ancient capital of nine dynasties ". It is among the firstcities to be declared by the State Council as the ancient capitals and famoushistorical and cultural cities. Starting from the first dynasty of China---Xia,it served as capital for 13 dynasties---Shang, Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou,Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, etc. It served as acapital for 1,529 years, and thus of the 7 great ancient capitals in China, itwas the first one to have served as the capital for the most numerous dynastiesand for the longest time. Luoyang is one of the important birthplaces of theChinese civilization. Culture in the Yellow River and the Luo River symbolizedby the Pattern of the Yellow River and the Writing of Luoyang is regarded as akey origin of the ancient Chinese civilization. It was here that Taoisminitiated, Confucianism originated. Buddhism first introduced and Li School--aConfucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties born.Many Chinese descendants found their roots here and cherished a deep love forthe homeland.----Luoyang is one of the top tourist cities in China with itsnumerous cultural relics dotted everywhere, picturesque landscape and nationalflower-Tree Peony. The city has inherited from history such cultural heritagesas ruins of the old capital, temples and stone caves, and tombs and steles. Ithas 10 national sites, 75 provincial sites, and over 571 municipal sites to beprotected as cultural relics with nearly 400,000 items of relics having beenunearthed and kept in museums. The rare ruins of the capitals from the Xia,Shang, Zhou, Han and Wei, Sui and Tang dynasties are named "Assembly of FiveCapitals ". Longmen Grottoes is one of the three great banks of Chinese stonesculptures that is a World Cultural Heritage. The White Horse Temple is thefirst officially built monastery in China after the introduction of Buddhism. Inthe Mangshan Mountain there remains the largest group of ancient tombs in Chinafeatured by royal tombs, which took form since the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. To thenorth of Luoyang is the Mother River of the Chinese nation---the Yellow Riverthat together with a tourist resorts around the Xiaolangdi Reservoir andWanshanhu tourist area in Xin'an. To the south are spots of interests such asthe Songshan Mountain which is the central one of
the Five High Mountains of China, a national forest park at the BaiyunMountain, Longyu Bay and Huaguo Mountain, a magically shaped Cockscomb KarstCave, and tourist area around Luhun Reservoir. Known as national beauty andheavenly fragrance, peony has been planted for nearly 1,500 years in Luoyang.Around April every year, the peony comes into full bloom, decorating the urbanareas with flooding colors. Especially the Luoyang Peony Festival to be heldevery year, which has become an occasion that attracts millions of tourists bothat home and abroad. A long history, a brilliant accumulation of culture and avariety of beautiful natural scenery all combine to provide Luoyang withexceptional advantages in tourist business. With rich economic resources, strongsci-tech power and concentration of many large enterprises, Luoyang is one ofthe important quicke industrial cities in mid-west part of China. During thefirst Five-Year Plan period, 7 of the 156 key projects in China were set up hereand nowadays it has developed to a new industrial base with 6 pillar industriesin machinery and electronics, petrochemistry, metallurgy, building materials,textile, and foodstuff. Large-sized enterprise groups appear such as LuoyangPetrochemistry General Factory, the China first Tractor Group, Luoyang BallBearing (Group) Corporation, Luoyang Bronze Processing Factory, Luoyang FloatGlass Group and these enterprises are fairly strong in their competitiveness inboth international and domestic markets in their respective fields. Luoyangenjoys an apparent advantage in science and technology. It seats 14 scientificresearch institutions attached to various ministries of the State, and 18backbone institutions of the province and the city. 1,972 out of every 10,000employees are professionals, which is a proportion above the national average.Many institutions are leading the nation in testing and research, presenting newprojects and products in such high-tech fields as new materials, aviation andaerospace, electronics information, and integration of machinery andelectronics. New & High-tech Industry Development Zone has become a base fortransforming traditional industries with new technology and a window open to theoutside world.----In recent years, Luoyang has grasped the opportunity of westdevelopment and pro-active fiscal policy of the State, deepened the reform andned the development. In 20__, a GNP reached 46.57 billion Yuan and the localrevenue exceeded 2.42 billion Yuan. The rural economy has seen stabledevelopment, the reform of the state-owned enterprises and readjustment ofindustrial structure have been deepened, and rising industries such aspetrochemistry, electrolyzed aluminum, coal and electronic information have beendeveloping rapidly. Focusing on to develop the southern new developing zone, wewill speed up the infrastructure and comprehensive management with contents of "Greenness, brightness, cleanness, prettiness and smoothness ". The urbaninfrastructure and management ability has further improved, as a result of whichin 20__ it has passed appraisai of the country being a Garden and Forest Cityand has been enlisted as Top Tourist City of China. Environment for tourism hasbeen improved greatly. In 20__ the city received 106,000 tourists from abroad,12.31 million tourists at home with total tourism income of 6 billion Yuan. Thestrategy of achieving development through reform has been implemented activelyand friendly ties and exchanges with foreign countries and regions have beenstrengthened. And by the strategy of
rejuvenating Luoyang through science and education, various socialundertakings have been making progress. Social security system has beenperfected, peoples living standard upgraded and buildind of spiritualcivilization and rule of law further promoted.----At present Luoyang is facingfavorable development opportunities and conditions. Completion of several keyprojects such as key water control project at Xiaolangdi, the chemical fiber,laid a solid foundation foundation for city’s development in the new century. Inyears to come, Luoyang will implement the policy to build up our city into astrength city in industry and tourism, further improve strategic readjustment ineconomic structure. Efforts will be made to speed up upgrading and perfection oftraditional industries and growth of rising industries, to actively developnon-state-owned economy and to constantly increase both quality and benefits ofthe economic growth. Given primary construction to high-standard planning andhigh--quality in infrastructure construction, the city will quicken urbandevelopment, further improve its environment quality and cultural connotationand speed up process of urbanization, thus developing tourism as an importantbackbone industry, Construction on culture, democracy and rule of law will beactively enhanced. It is hoped that through endeavors in the 10th Five-Year Planperiod, the goal of developing Luoyang into a modern industrial city equippedwith advanced science and education, and an international city backed by richhistorical culture.----"If you want to know the rises and falls in China, pleasejust look at the city of Luoyang. " We warmly welcome people from all over theworld to come to Luoyang to go on sightseeing and make friends, to search forroots, to build industry and business, to pursue joint development with us, andto reconstruct the splendor of the ancient capital
洛陽的導游詞范文 篇6
“茶葉之都”國際友好城市聯盟洛陽市位于河南省西部,地處東經111°8’——112.59’,北緯33°35' ——35°05'之間,位處亞歐大陸橋東段,橫跨黃河中游南北兩岸,“居天下之中”,素有“九州之腹地”之稱。洛陽轄6個區、1個縣級市、8個縣、:澗西區、西工區、老城區、瀍河回族區、洛龍區、伊濱區、吉利區、偃師市、孟津縣、新安縣、洛寧縣、宜陽縣、伊川縣、嵩縣、欒川縣、汝陽縣。洛陽下轄經濟功能區:伊濱區、洛陽新區(正廳級)、洛陽國家高新技術產業開發區(獨立享有管轄權)、國家洛陽經濟技術開發區。
東漢時,漢明帝派遣使臣班超出使西域,打通了荒廢已久的絲綢之路,且首次將絲綢之路延伸打通到了歐洲,到了當時的羅馬帝國。這是現在完整的絲綢之路的路線,即從東漢時洛陽出發,最西端到達當時的歐洲羅馬帝國。羅馬帝國也首次派遣使臣順著班超打通的絲綢之路來到東漢,在京師洛陽覲見了大漢皇帝。這是歷史上羅馬和中國的首次交往。加上羅馬帝國的時期和我國的東漢時期剛好在時間上的吻合:東漢(25-220)與西羅馬帝國(前30-476),所以一直以來都有東洛陽西羅馬之說,這是歷史上分別代表東西方的兩大帝國首都。而絲綢之路首次將羅馬帝國和中國連結在了一起。 東漢之后,魏晉及隋唐時期,洛陽都是東西方絲綢之路貿易的起點,這個跨度之大,時間之久,意義之大,無與倫比! 國學大師、已逝北京大學教授季羨林先生說:“我不止一次的說,絲綢之路應以洛陽為起點。這是個不刊之論。”
洛陽牡丹始于隋,盛于唐,甲天下于宋。 “天下名園重洛陽”,“洛陽牡丹甲天下”,“洛陽地脈花最宜,牡丹尤為天下奇”,“唯有牡丹真國色,花開時節動京。牡丹是我國傳統名花,花蕾碩大,色澤艷麗,國色天香,自古就有富貴吉祥、繁榮昌盛的寓意,代表著中華民族泱泱大國之風范,。
唐代洛陽是陪都,武則天當皇帝時就在洛陽登基,并在洛陽主持政務。“自唐武則天后,洛陽牡丹始盛。” (宋·歐陽修《洛陽牡丹記》)。從武則天時期到開元年間(公元690年至公元741年),還有唐貞元、元和年間(公元785年至公元820年),是中國牡丹史上一個黃金時代,奠定了中國牡丹發展和牡丹文化興盛的堅實基礎。
洛陽地理條件優越。它位于暖溫帶南緣向北亞熱帶過渡地帶,屬暖溫帶大陸性季風氣候和亞熱帶季風氣候,四季分明,氣候宜人。年平均氣溫約15℃,極端最高氣溫40.4℃,極端最低氣溫-20.2℃。降雨量約630毫米,其中南部山區能達到1200毫米以上。東鄰鄭州,西接三門峽, 北跨黃河與焦作接壤,南與平頂山、南陽相連。東西長約179公里,南北寬約168公里。洛陽地勢西高東低。境內山川丘陵交錯,地形錯綜復雜,其中山區45.51%,丘陵40.73%,平原占13.8%,周圍有郁山、邙山、青要山、荊紫山、周山、櫻山、龍門山、香山、萬安山、首陽山、黛眉山、嵩山等十多座山脈;境內河渠密布,分屬黃河、淮河、長江三大水系,黃河、洛河、伊河、清河、磁河、鐵灤河、澗河、瀍河等10余條河流蜿蜒其間,有“四面環山六水并流、八關都邑、十省通衢”之稱。由于洛陽地處中原,山川縱橫,西依秦嶺,出函谷是關中秦川;東臨嵩岳;北靠太行且有黃河之險;南望伏牛,有宛葉之饒,所以“河山拱戴,形勢甲于天下”。
洛陽的導游詞范文 篇7
I am living there from my birth. Chuzhou is in the province of Anhui.Compared with Nanjing, it is small but beantiful,which is located in the easternSu Wan border region. Chuzhou is an ancient city with a long history. Built in589AD, numerous changes have taken place in Chuzhou through its vast history.Yet, in spite of repeated devastation, the city is still seated exactly on theoriginal site ,which is indeed an instance rarely found in the world. The uniquecharacteristics of the past are still retained in present-day Chuzhou. In thecourse of the history of China, it has been a metropolis of industry andcommerce in the north-eastern Anhui. Chuzhou is conveniently located on theJinghu Railway linking Shanghai and Beijing, to both of which there is 2- hourlyrailway service. Chuzhou South Railway Station is among the busiest passengerstations in China, having more than40 trains stopping daily. T-Trains only take20 minutes to Nanjing and an hour and half to Shanghai. Chuzhou is located inwater net, street according to river and then set up, the land-and-waterproceeds together; you can find the special appearance of the small bridges,flowing water, the old-fashioned houses, the beautiful lakes with undulatinghills. There is little pollution. Air is fresh and street is clean. Chuzhou isfamous as a scenic tourist city.
Langya Mountain contributes to the province's great scenery, as thenational key scenic area, national forest parkZuiweng Pavilion for the four mostfamous pavilions was built in the northern Song Dynasty periods ,one of theeight people by the Tng and Song Dynasty named Ouyang xiu and from the zuiwengpavilion. Langya is famous for its mountains, Ouyang xiu all by zuiwengpavilion, as well as the Song Dynasty in the writing of masterpiece the zuiwengpavilio Come on! I urge you to dig a little deeper, and experience classicChuzhou. I believe the city’s fantastic features and classic lifestyle isunmatched in China. It is worth visiting and experiencing. I wish you can choosethe city as your vacation destination.
洛陽的導游詞范文 篇8
located in the west of henan province in central china, luoyang occupiesquite an important geographic location. it is in the middle reaches of theyellow river and is encircled by mountains and plains. to its east and west arethe hu lao pass and han gu pass which were essential domestic transportationjunctions in ancient times. to its north, mengjin county was an important ferrycrossing of the yellow river. thus, luoyang was selected as the capital city by13 dynasties starting from the xia dynasty (21st-16th century bc) in the 21stcentury bc. in the period following the han dynasty (206bc-220), andparticularly during the sui (581-618) and tand (618-907) dynasties, the cityexperienced a period of growth and prosperity and ranked as one of theinternational metropolitans of the time.
its long history endows luoyang with a profound sense of culture. the cityis the cradle of chinese civilization where many chinese legends happened, suchas nvwa patching the sky, dayu controlling flood and the chinese ancestorhuangdi establishing the nation. the city is also famed as the 'poets capital'as poets and literates of ancient china often gathered there and left grandworks, including 'book of wisdom' ('daode jing'), 'han history' ('han shu') and'administrative theory of admonishing official' ('zi zhi tong jian'). religiousculture once thrived here. taoism originated there and the first buddhist templeset up by the government was located there. luoyang is also the hometown of manyof the scientific inventions of ancient china, such as the seismograph,armillary sphere, paper making, printing and the compass.
luoyang has rich historical and cultural sites. the longmen grottoes areone of china's three most precious treasure houses of stone sculptures andinscriptions. the white horse temple is the first buddhist temple and is honoredas the 'cradle of buddhism in china'. mt. mangshan is where ancient tombs ofemperors, nobles and literates in the past dynasties collected. the luoyangancient tombs museum is the world's first example of the kind and presentsthousands of treasures discovered in the tombs. shaolin temple is the place oforigin for chinese zen buddhism and the cradle of chinese martial art.landscapes in luoyang hold the same attraction as the cultural sites. whitecloud mountain, funiu mountain, long yu wan national forest park, ji guanlimestone cave and the yellow river xiaolangdi scenic area are all worth avisit. additionally, luoyang is particularly well known for its peonies. everyyear in april, the flowers blossom and attract tourists from all over the world.dining in luoyang is quite an enjoyable experience. various kinds of localdishes, including water feast, yan cai and others which use the famous yellowriver carps as an ingredient, together with the uniquely flavored soups, willgreatly satisfy your taste buds. luoyang's local specialties such as palacelanterns, bronze vessels and tri-colored glazed potteries will no doubt delightyour eyes and offer you ideal souvenirs. being a modern city as well, luoyanghas hotels of all standards which provide you quite a broad choice for yourstay. most of the hotels have reasonable room prices and perfect services.
transportation is well developed in luoyang. beijiao airport has manydomestic flights extending to many large cities in other provinces. it's alsovery easy to get to luoyang by train because one of china's most importantrailway lines long hai railway traverses the city and connects most cities ineast, west and central china. the convenient city buses and taxies can carry youaround the city. near the railway station, special tourist buses can take you tothe tourist spots in the suburban areas of the city.
luoyang, a charming city filled with the fragrance of peonies and theprimitive atmosphere of ancient civilization, is waiting and welcoming guestsfrom all over the world. putting the city into the list of your exploration inchina, you will get far more than what you expect.
the longmen grottos
the longmen grottos are on the yihe river bank, some 12 kilometers fromancient luoyang city, about 30 minutes' drive. it is one of the three mostimportant buddhist sculptures and carvings in china. the longmen grottos enjoy agood location where two mountains confront each other between which flows theyihe river.
the grotto was first carved in north wei dynasty, over 1500 years ago andexpanded through the succeeding east and west wei dynasties, north qi dynasty,north zhou dynasty, sui and tang dynasties and was finally completed in northsong dynasty. over 500 years' renovation and expansion have created theprestigious world cultural site. the most significant chiseling activitieshappened in the tang and north wei dynasties, which lasted over 150 years.
spanning a length of around 1 kilometer on the hillside along the yiheriver, the niches resemble dozens of honeycombs dotting the area. there areabout 2.100 grottoes and niches, over 40 crematory urns, 3,600 inscribed stonetablets and over 100,000 buddhist images and statues. the largest one is 17meters high while the smallest is a tiny as 2 cm. one third of the complex areworks of the north wei dynasty. these masterpieces are the binyang cave, andlianhua( lotus cave). the impressive qianxi temple, fengxian temple, wanfo cave(ten thousand buddhist cave) are the highlights of the tang dynast's carvings.the longmen grottos are of great value in world sculpture history and it hasbeen listed in the world cultural heritage site by the unesco. to protect such avaluable heritage site, the chinese government as well as some influential worldcultural organizations are trying hard to share this site with the whole word. alarge-scaled renovation was undertaken in __ to keep the grottos in goodcondition.
white horse temple
located at the 12 kilometers east of luoyang city, the white horse templeis one of the oldest buddhist temples in china and is renowned as the cradle ofchinese buddhism. although it is not the largest nor the most beautiful buddhismmonument in china, this temple with its large number of buddhism items housedthere, is well worth a trip.
an interesting legend related to the temple goes that a white horse carriedthe first buddhist script from india here in ancient time hence the name whitehorse temple. history records that the site was original the place used by thesecond han emperor-liu zhuang as a summer resort and for study. in 68 ad, whenbuddhism reached its heyday in india, two indian monks brought buddhistscriptures to luoyang on the back of a white horse. the emperor, who was adevout buddhism believer, built the temple to house the scriptures and named itwhite horse temple. it was said that there were once thousands of monks livingin the temple. it was even used as a refugee sanctuary during the social turmoilof wang mang in the eastern han dynasty.
the two monks who brought scriptures from india were buried here. manymonks from outside china have visited the monk and many of them have spent therest of their time in that temple. the famous tang dynasty monk-xuanzang startedhis 17 years long pilgrimage trip to indian from the temple. after returning,xuanzhang became the abbot of the white horse temple, where he disseminated thescriptures of buddhism for the rest of his life.
guanlin temple
at the end of guanlin nan lu, guanlin temple was built to commemorate thegreat general guanyu of the state of shu during the three kingdoms period. inthe romance of three kingdoms, the shu general guanyu was defeated, captured andexecuted by sunquan, the ruler of the state of wu. fearing revenge from guanyu’sblood brother liubei who was the ruler of the state of shu, sunquan ordered tosend guanyu’s head to caocao-ruler of wei in an attempt to deflect theresponsibility for the death. caocao, however, was an admirer of guan's loyaltyand bravery. he ordered a wooden body be carved to accompany the head beforeguanyu was buried.
very little is known about when the temple was first built. the complex wasdeveloped during the ming dynasty and was underwent several renovation andexpansion during the succeeding qing dynasty. it's now comprised of halls,temples, pavilions and guan's tomb. some valuable stone tablets with elegantcalligraphies are also found here. the place is very popular among the localswho worship the valorous general by burning sticks of incense.
museum of ancient tombs
an interesting old saying goes that suzhou and hangzhou are good places tolive, while luoyang is a good place to die. many of the ancient emperors,princes, generals and other public celebrities took this advice and left ordersthat they were to be buried in luoyang after their death. there are over 20ancient tombs dating from the han dynasty to the north song dynasty. a museumwas built at the site where many ancient tombs were excavated.
the museum is at the mang hill in the north suburb of the city, about 8kilometers from the city center. covering an area of around 3 hectare, it hastwo parts: the underground and above ground parts. the above ground partcontains a han-style gate, some halls. tomb models from the stone age to the handynasty, restored funerary objects and funeral rituals are displayed in theeastern hall.
the underground section is a tomb groups site which is about 7 metersunderground. there are north and south song dynasties hall, wei and jindynasties hall, tang and song dynasties hall and a hall for refined itemsexcavated from the tombs. many of the vividly painted murals, valuable relicsand a number of pottery figures are on display here. visitors can also find themodels of ancient tombs. 22 ancient tombs restored to their original styles aredisplayed here.
luoyang museum
luoyang served as the capitals for a long period of time. history has leftthe place a large number of historical rare relics. many of these rarely seemitems can be found at the luoyang museum. the museum is located at the citycenter, very easy to find.
the museum's exhibition center displays refined ancient items includingbronze wares, ceramics, gold and silver artifacts and jade. these exhibitionsoffer a good illustration of the city's grand past.
luoyang peony
luoyang is renowned as: the city of peony. the city has long been famousfor its beautiful peony flowers. peony, has been called the king of flowers forits gorgeous charm and unbelievably beauty. the flower has been a symbol ofgrace in china. ancient chinese poets once compared peony with the beautiful andelegant ladies and thought the two were equally pleasant to the eye.
luoyang has a long history of planting peony. peony growing began toprevail in the region in the ancient sui dynasty, over one thousand years ago.in the tang dynasty, many famous gardens for peony were built and peony wasplanted on a massive scale. luoyang became the country's peony cultivation andtrade center in the song dynasty. luoyang peony is international famous for thepeony. luoyang's unique climate is well suited to its peony growing culture.luoyang is located in the temperate zone with favorable and humid climate allyear around.
luoyang peony is well-known for its big flowers and many varieties. eachyear, in late spring when the peonies are in full blossom, thousands of visitorsswarm to the city to enjoy the stunningly beautiful flowers. the internationalpeony festival held here annually adds even more fame to luoyang's peony.