山西大同導游詞 篇1
山西大同導游詞 篇2
山西大同導游詞 篇3
hello everyone!
Datong, a city under the jurisdiction of Shanxi Province, is one of thefirst batch of 24 national historical and cultural cities in China, one of thefirst batch of 13 larger cities in China, one of the nine ancient capitals inChina, national new energy demonstration city, China's excellent tourism city,National Garden City, National double support model city, nationaltransportation hub city, China's sculpture City, and China's top ten sports andleisure city.
Datong is the vice central city of Shanxi Province and the second largestcity in Shanxi Province. It is located in the center of Datong Basin in thenorth of Shanxi Province, the junction of Shanxi, Hebei and Inner Mongolia, andthe northeast edge of the Loess Plateau. In fact, it is the barrier of the wholeShanxi Province, the gateway of the north, and the throat of Shanxi, Hebei andInner Mongolia. It is a place that must be contested by military strategists inthe past dynasties.
Datong, formerly known as Yunzhong and Pingcheng in ancient times, was thecapital of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the capital of Liao and Jin Dynasties.There are many historic sites in Datong, including Yungang Grottoes, HuayanTemple, Shanhua temple, Hengshan Xuankong Temple, Jiulongbi, etc.
Datong is one of the largest coal energy bases in China, the national heavychemical energy base, the midpoint of Shenfu, Zhungeer emerging energy zone andBeijing Tianjin Tangshan developed industrial zone. It is known as "PhoenixCity" and "coal capital of China".
Datong, a city with unique natural and geographical conditions, hasachieved remarkable results in urban greening and garden coverage after years ofinvestment and construction. On January 14, 20__, Datong City was officiallynamed "national garden city" by the Ministry of housing and urban ruraldevelopment.
山西大同導游詞 篇4
Xuankong Temple is located at the foot of Hengshan Mountain, on the Xiyancliff in Jinlong gorge, five kilometers south of Hunyuan County, Datong City.Since ancient times, it has been listed as the first wonder of HengshanMountain.
Looking up, you can see that the distribution of the halls and towers issymmetrical with changes, scattered with connections, zigzag and looping,virtual and real with each other, small and exquisite, rich in space, changeablein levels, small in size, big in size, small in size, small in size, compact inlayout, scattered and dependent. Its layout is not only different from that ofthe central axis of the Pingchuan temple, which is symmetrical to the left andright, but also different from that of the mountain palace which is graduallyrising along the mountain, They are all constructed according to the concave andconvex of the cliff, the shape of the cliff and the situation of the cliff. Theyare naturally arranged in the air. They seem to be stacked and scattered, andthe changes are subtle, so that the combination of shapes and spatial contrastachieve an orderly artistic effect. Looking at the temple from afar, it lookslike a pair of exquisite relief sculptures, inlaid in the cliffs of ten thousandRen. Looking at the temple from a close perspective, it has the potential offlying in the air.
Xuankong Temple is not only breathtaking, strange and spectacular inappearance, but also has distinctive architectural structure with rich andcolorful forms. The eaves have single eaves, double eaves and three-tier eaves,the mast structure has beam lifting structure, flat roof structure and bucketarch structure, and the roof has main ridge, vertical ridge, berm ridge and poorridge. The overall appearance, skillfully constructed and overlapped, creates aunique style of building in the cave, cave in the building, half wall hall, halfwall cave, cave connected hall and hall connected building. It not onlyintegrates the art of Chinese garden architecture, but also does not lose thepattern of Chinese traditional architecture.
Among the existing bronze, iron, clay and stone sculptures in XuankongTemple, many styles and styles have the characteristics of early times, whichare treasures of high artistic value.
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山西大同導游詞 篇5
朋友們,今天我們要游覽的景點是大同的九龍壁。游覽時間2小時左右,游覽過程中請不要拍照,更不要觸摸壁身。現在呢,請大家再次核對一下旅游車牌照和小張的手機號,有什么事情請及時與我聯系。 九龍壁建于明代洪武末年,是明太祖朱元璋第十三個兒子代王朱桂府前的照壁,與故宮九龍壁、北海九龍壁合稱為“中國三大九龍壁”。可惜王府于崇禎末年毀于兵火。九龍壁因隔和陽街而立才得以保存。20__年6月25日,大同九龍壁作為明代古建筑,被國務院批準列入第五批全國重點文物單位名單。 九龍壁座南朝北,東西長45.5米,壁高8米,厚2.02米,是中國現存規模最大,歷史最悠久的一座龍壁,堪稱中國九龍壁之首。壁頂覆蓋琉璃瓦,頂下由琉璃斗拱支撐。壁面由426塊特制五彩琉璃拼砌而成,9條飛龍氣勢磅礴,飛騰之勢躍然壁上。兩側是日月圖案。龍的間隙由山石、花草圖案填充,相映成趣。壁底是須彌座,高2.09米,上雕41組二龍戲珠圖案。腰部由75塊琉璃磚組成浮雕,有牛、馬、羊、狗、鹿、兔等多種動物形象,生動活潑。九龍壁最美的時候是朝陽升起之時,那時的九龍壁沐浴在耀眼的里,巨龍仿佛在流云中穿行,猶如真龍再現,引人入勝。 不同于北海與故宮九龍壁,大同九龍壁的龍爪是四爪龍,這就區別了代王與的地位差別,不過這也足見代王在當朝的地位。 領略了九龍壁的磅礴氣勢,大家一定很好奇九龍壁的來歷吧,呵呵,不急不急,接下來就由我來為大家說道說道~是這樣的:明太祖朱元璋第十三個兒子朱桂從小不讀詩文,秉性頑劣,脾氣古怪,要星星不敢給月亮,吃豬尾巴拿牛頭也換不來。朱元璋在分封藩王時就封他為豫王,后改封代王,鎮守大同。代王到了大同,街里,經常無故,大同百姓背地叫他“愣怔代王”。而代王的正妃徐氏呢,是個又丑又妒的潑婦,一次竟把代王的兩個漂亮待女滿臉涂上鍋底黑,以泄妒火。就這樣,兩口子把大同城攪得雞犬不寧,。 朱元璋立燕王繼承后,代王就大鬧金殿嚷著也要當。朱元璋沒法子,只好在大同城內大興土木,修建,讓代王過過癮。至今大同古城內還有“皇城街”、“正殿街”、“東華門”等街道名稱,都是舊的遺址。 一天,這位愣王爺忽然想去燕地看四哥朱棣。燕王對他又煩又怕,但又無可奈何,只好捺著性子三天一小宴五天一大宴地款待著。一天代王酒足飯飽在王府外閑逛,看見王府門前新修了一座琉璃九龍壁,就吵嚷著要在大同的前也造一座,并撒潑把圖樣帶回了大同。王妃知道后,要求 一定要比燕王府的龍壁長二尺、高二尺、厚二寸,代王無奈,只好應允,所以大同的九龍壁規模最大,故宮里的那座也比不了它。 半年以后,九龍壁建成。代王朱桂、老將軍徐達及其女兒王妃徐氏登上城樓憑欄觀賞,陽光下壁頂的琉璃瓦光彩耀眼,壁面上的九條琉璃彩龍栩栩如生。代王高興得大聲叫好。一會兒,濃云密布,下起雨來。代王便命人掌燈,宮燈齊亮時,透過雨簾,彩壁上九龍浴水,撲朔迷離,別有一番情趣,于是有了雨中戲龍一說。 代王又叫了一聲好,忽然空中接連三聲驚雷。朱桂一驚,看見從天上飛來一黑一黃兩條龍,在壁前吐水如泉。原來,龍壁上的龍以假亂真,引來天上的巨龍送來了甘霖。雨后彩虹當空,晚霞通紅,沐浴過的九龍壁更加璀璨奪目,代王忙命人前去打探龍壁有無傷痕。回來的人稟報,龍壁后面的金泊倉三步之內被雷炸出了一甜一苦兩眼井,就是現在的金泊倉兩步兩眼井,也是九龍壁一景。龍壁前還被雷轟了一個坑,里面積滿了碧水,代王就讓人在壁前砌了一個水池。水池引入兩井的水,甜水食用,苦水治病。九條龍倒映在水中,風吹水動,像游龍戲水,成為九龍壁的又一景。 好啦,就到這里了,下面呢就由大家自己欣賞啦!2小時后在這里集合,祝您旅途愉快!
山西大同導游詞 篇6
My friends, the scenic spot we are going to visit today is Jiulongbi inDatong. The tour time is about 2 hours. Please don't take photos or touch thewall during the tour. Now, please check the tour bus license plate and XiaoZhang's mobile phone number again. If you have anything, please contact me intime.
Jiulongbi was built in the last years of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty. It is theZhaobi in front of the house of Zhu GUI, the 13th son of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhangof Ming Dynasty. Together with the Jiulongbi in Beijing Palace Museum and BeihaiJiulongbi, it is called "three major Jiulongbi in China". Unfortunately, thepalace was destroyed in the end of Chongzhen. Jiulongbi was preserved because itwas separated from Heyang street. On June 25, 20__, as an ancient building ofMing Dynasty, Datong Jiulongbi was approved by the State Council to be listed inthe fifth batch of national key cultural relics protection units.
Jiulongbi is 45.5 meters long from east to west, 8 meters high and 2.02meters thick. It is the largest and oldest existing dragon wall in China. It canbe called the first dragon wall in China. The top of the wall is covered withglazed tiles, and the top is supported by glazed brackets. The wall is made of426 pieces of specially made multicolored glass. Nine flying dragons aremajestic and soaring on the wall. On both sides is the pattern of sun and moon.The gap of the dragon is filled with the patterns of rocks, flowers and plants.At the bottom of the wall is xumizuo, 2.09 meters high, with 41 groups of ErlongXizhu patterns carved on it. The waist is made up of 75 pieces of glass bricks,with various animal images such as cattle, horses, sheep, dogs, deer andrabbits. The most beautiful time of the nine dragon wall is when the sun rises.At that time, the nine dragon wall is bathed in the dazzling brilliance, and thegiant dragon seems to travel through the flowing clouds, just like the realdragon reappearance, which is fascinating.
Different from Beihai in Beijing and Jiulongbi in the Forbidden City, theDragon claws of Jiulongbi in Datong are four clawed dragons, which distinguishesthe status of the Daiwang and the emperor, but it also shows the status ofDaiwang in the current Dynasty.
After appreciating the majestic momentum of Jiulongbi, you must be verycurious about the origin of Jiulongbi. Ha ha, don't worry about it. Next, let mesay it for you. It's like this: Zhu GUI, the 13th son of Zhu Yuanzhang, theemperor of Ming Dynasty, didn't read poetry since he was a child. He wasstubborn and eccentric. He didn't dare to give stars to the moon, and hecouldn't get a pig's tail or a cow's head. Zhu Yuanzhang made him king of Yuwhen he was enfeoffed as a vassal king, and later he was changed to a king ofDai Dynasty to guard Datong. When Daiwang arrived in Datong, he often killedpeople for no reason in the streets. People in Datong called him "LengzhengDaiwang" behind his back. Xu Shi, the imperial concubine of Dai Wang, was anugly and jealous shrew. She once painted the two beautiful girls of Dai Wangblack on the bottom of the pot to vent their jealousy. In this way, the couplestirred up Datong City and the people were in dire straits.
After Zhu Yuanzhang established the king of Yan to succeed to the throne,the king of Dai made a big fuss in the golden palace, shouting that he wouldbecome emperor too. Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to build large-scalebuildings and palaces in the city of Datong, so that the Daiwang could live anemperor's life. Up to now, there are street names such as "Huangcheng Street","Zhengdian Street" and "Donghuamen" in the ancient city of Datong, which are theruins of the old imperial palace.
One day, this Leng Wang Ye suddenly wants to go to Yan Di to see his fourthbrother Zhu Di. The king of Yan was annoyed and afraid of him, but he had nochoice but to entertain him with a small feast for three days and a big feastfor five days. One day, Dai Wang strolled outside the palace full of wine andfood. When he saw that a new glazed nine dragon wall had been built in front ofthe palace, he clamored to build one in front of the palace of Datong, andbrought the design back to Datong. When the princess found out, she asked forhelp
It must be two feet longer, two feet higher and two inches thicker than theDragon Wall in the palace of King Yan. The king of Dai had no choice but toagree. Therefore, the Dragon Wall in Datong is the largest in scale, and the onein the Forbidden City can't match it.
Half a year later, nine dragon wall was built. Zhu GUI, the king of DaiDynasty, Xu Da, the old general, and his daughter, Xu Shi, went up to the citytower to watch. In the sun, the glazed tiles on the top of the wall weredazzling, and the nine colored glass dragons on the wall were lifelike. Daiwangcheered with joy. After a while, the clouds were thick and it began to rain.When the palace lanterns were all on, through the rain curtain, the colorfulwall was bathed in Jiulong water. It was complicated and confusing, and had aspecial taste. So there was the saying of playing Dragon in the rain.
The king called out again, and suddenly there were three thunders in theair. Zhu GUI was startled. In a trance, he saw two dragons flying from the sky,black and yellow, spitting water like a spring in front of the wall. It turnedout that the dragon on the Dragon Wall confused the real with the fake, whichattracted the giant dragon in the sky to send rain. After the rain, the rainbowis in the sky, the sunset is red, and the Jiulongbi which has been bathed ismore dazzling. Dai Wang orders people to go to find out if there are any scarson the dragon wall. The people who came back reported that jinpocang behindlongbi was blasted out of two wells, one sweet and one bitter, within threesteps. Now jinpocang has two wells, which is also a scene of Jiulongbi. Therewas also a pit in front of the dragon wall, which was filled with green water.Dai Wang asked people to build a pool in front of the wall. Water from two wellsis introduced into the pool, sweet water is used for food, and bitter water isused for treatment. The nine dragons are reflected in the water. The wind blowsand the water moves. It's like a dragon playing in the water. It becomes anotherscene of the nine dragon wall.
Well, that's all for the explanation. Next, let's enjoy it by ourselves.Gather here in 2 hours. Have a nice trip!
山西大同導游詞 篇7
后又是米坊、鐵鋪、染坊、糟坊(酒坊)。 下碼頭---
山西大同導游詞 篇8
Today, we come to Datong, Shanxi Province. It's said that Datong's noodlesare very famous. They are as fast as flying knives. Ah! I can't wait to have atry. When I come to the restaurant, I have performances and experiences. I sawin front of the table, a master skillfully grabbed a handful of dry flour fromthe nearby basin and spread it evenly on the wooden table. Then, he picked up aboard with flour on it, and used a small stainless steel razor to cut itquickly. The strips of noodles he cut off are called "sliced noodles". Thesliced noodles are really like the eight monsters in Shanxi. They are really asfast as flying knives. It's not only fast, but also the descending speed has asense of rhythm. They all go up first, then go in, slowly descend, and finallyfly to the edge of the platform. I looked at it myself and was stunned. Thosenoodles are not only the same speed, but also the same thickness.
"Pa" sound, I feel something fell on my head, a touch, ah! It's noodles."Children, please don't put your head in it." I'm still wondering. I suddenlythink of the head of the noodles, a look. So my head is on the table! After awhile, when the dough is only half, the master stops. I was in a daze. I didn'tknow what he wanted to do. Then, the others began to line up. I suddenlyunderstand, from the middle of the team into, and then squeezed out, and back tothe end of the team. I stick my tongue out and wait. When I arrived, I coollyrolled up my short sleeve sleeve, took a deep breath, and then picked up therazor and the board, ready to show you. But it's much harder than I thought.
I didn't know how to shave with a razor. Then I scratched my head andremembered that the noodles were cut like fruit, but I forgot whether to cut upor down. So I thought: sliced noodles fall from top to bottom, that should beupward slicing! So I began to upward slicing. The first time the noodles fell infront of me, I was very proud; the second time the noodles fell; the third timeI was unlucky, the noodles didn't know where to fly. At this time, my cousinbegan to laugh. I was a little confused and had an ominous premonition. Iusually feel my head when I think about a problem. I feel it Ah! I cried. Itfell on my head again. I just didn't wipe it. The noodles piled up on my head. Iwipe the face off with a tissue and try to cut it down. I made it this time. I'mvery happy. Ah! How fun it is to make noodles!
山西大同導游詞 篇9
At present, the place where we are is Xuankong Temple. The characteristicsof the whole Xuankong Temple can be summarized in three words, that is,"strange, dangerous and clever".
In Xuankong Temple, we will find that there are many statues in XuankongTemple, but three of them are the most precious. The reason why they are nobleis that their molding art is very unique, and they are made by the process ofyarn stripping. It is 50cm high and weighs only 3kg. It is the lightest and mostvaluable statue in the temple.
Then the second and third part of Xuankong Temple is the real suspension.The wooden pillars outside give people the feeling that they support the wholetemple by more than a dozen wooden pillars. In fact, most of those woodenpillars are not load-bearing. We can see that the plank road connects each part.There are some beams under the plank road. These beams are inserted into therock. During the construction, the rock is chiseled out of the small belly largestone cave, and the tapered wooden wedge is placed inside, Make the crossbeaminto a scissor shape and smash it with a strong force. The greater the force onthe outside, the tighter the bite on the inside. They press the force on therock.
As we all know, Hengshan has always been a place for military strategists,so the rulers of each dynasty have their own religion to worship, and the threereligions hall is a collection of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, which willbe protected in any dynasty. This is also a political reason why Xuankong Templewill not be destroyed for thousands of years.
Now let me show you around the hanging temple.
山西大同導游詞 篇10
云岡石窟:云岡石窟位于大同市西16公里的武周山麓,武州川的北岸。石窟依山開鑿,東西綿延一公里。現存主要洞窟45個,計1100多個小龕,大小造像51000余尊,它是我國規模最大的石窟群之一,也是世界聞名的藝術寶庫。1961年國務院公布為第一批全國重點文物單位。 云岡石窟是在北魏中期齊鑿的。北魏經歷了"太武滅佛"、"文成復法"。文成帝和平年間(460——465)云岡石窟開始大規模營造,到孝明帝正光五年(524)建成,前后計60多年。初由著名的高僧曇曜主持,"于京城西武州塞,鑿山石壁,開窟五所"。現第16至20窟就是"曇曜五窟"。現存洞窟大部分鑿于太和十八年(494)遷洛前。據《水經注》記載,當時"鑿石開山,因巖結構,真容巨壯,世法所希。山堂水殿,煙寺相望,林淵錦鏡,綴日新眺"。 云岡石窟雕刻在我國三大石窟中以造像氣魄雄偉、內容豐富多彩見稱。最小的佛像2公分。最大的高達17米,多為神態各異的教人物形象。石窟有形制多樣的仿木構建筑物,有主題突出的佛傳浮雕,有精雕細刻的裝飾紋樣,還有栩栩如生的樂舞雕刻,生動活潑,琳瑯滿目。其雕刻藝術繼承并發展了秦漢雕刻藝術傳統,吸收和融合了佛教藝術的精華,具有獨特的藝術風格。對后來隋唐藝術的發展產生了深遠的影響,在我國藝術史上占有重要地位,也是中國與亞洲國家友好往來、文化交流的歷史。 云岡第五、六窟在云岡石窟群中部,為孝文帝遷洛前約465——494年開鑿的一組雙窟。廟前有清順治八年(1651)建造的五間四層木樓閣,柱欄,琉璃瓦頂,頗為壯觀。第五窟開作橢圓形草廬形式,分前后室。后室北壁本尊為釋迦牟尼坐像,高17米,為云岡最大的佛像,外部經唐代泥塑重裝。窟內滿雕佛龕造像。窟西側刻有兩佛對坐在樹下,頂部浮雕,線條優美。第6窟平面近方形,中央是一個連接窟頂的二層方形塔往,高約14米,塔柱上雕有四方佛,四角各有一座九層出檐小塔,馱于象背上。窟四壁滿雕佛、羅漢、等造像。窟頂有三十三諸天及各種騎乘,令人目不暇接。環繞塔柱四面和東南西三壁的中下部,刻有33幅描寫釋迦牟尼從誕生到成道的佛傳故事浮雕,內容連貫,構圖精巧。此窟規模宏偉,雕飾富麗,內容豐富,技法精煉,是云岡石窟中有代表性的一窟,也是中期造像藝術匯集的大檢閱。 云岡第七、八窟位于云岡石窟的中部,為一組雙窟,是云岡石窟第二期開鑿較早的石窟。七窟前現存的木構建筑,是清順治八年(1651)修建。七、八窟平面均為長方形,窟內布局上下分層,左右分段。七窟后室北壁上層天幕龕的中央,雕一交腳像,坐于獅子座上,左右備一倚坐佛像,邊為二脅侍。內容仍為三世佛,且出現了造像組合。下龕為釋迦、多寶二佛并坐像。壁與窟頂相接處雕一排伎樂人像,各執樂器演奏。東西兩壁對稱開鑿,壁與頂部相接處雕一排千佛。下分四層雕有八個不同的佛龕。南壁鑿有一門一窗,左右兩側各雕四個佛龕。門窗間有六個供養人和伎樂天人像。明窗內雕和禪定比丘。內拱內雕力上、天王和。頂部分格雕平棋,中為團蓮,周雕,把整個窟頂裝飾得花團錦簇。第七、八窟與前期窟群比,在形制、內容、造像構成、題材等方面出現了諸多變化,從中折射出北魏社會變革的。 曇曜五窟現編號第16——20窟,是由曇曜主持開鑿的第一期窟洞,也是云岡石窟最引人注目的部分之一。據《魏書·釋老志》載:"和平初,......曇曜白帝,于京城西武州塞,鑿山石壁,開窟五所,鐫建佛各一,高者七十尺,次六十尺,雕飾奇偉,冠于一世。"以道武、明元、太武、景穆、文成五帝為楷模,雕刻五尊大像。這五窟規模宏大,氣魄雄偉。形制上共同特點是外壁滿雕千佛,大體上都摹擬橢圓形的草廬形式, 無后室。造像主要是三世佛(過去、未來、現在),主佛形體高大,占窟內主要。第16窟本尊釋迦立像高13.5米,而相清秀,英俊瀟灑。第17窟正中為裝的交腳坐像,高15.6米,窟小像大,咄咄逼人。 第18窟本尊為身披千佛袈裟的釋迦立像,高15.5米,氣勢磅礴;東壁上層的眾造像造型奇特,技法嫻熟。第19窟本尊為釋迦坐像,高16.8米,為云岡第二大造像。第20窟為露天造像,正中為釋迦坐像,高13.75米,為云岡石窟的代表作,面都半圓,深目高鼻,眼大唇薄。大耳垂肩,兩肩齊挺,造型雄偉,氣勢渾厚。 云岡五華洞位于云岡石窟中部的第9——13窟。這五窟因請代施泥彩繪而得名。第9、10窟為一組前后室結構的雙窟,建于北魏孝文帝太和八年(484),太和十三年竣工,遼代曾在此興建崇福寺。兩窟平面近方形。前定南壁鑿成八角列柱,東西壁上部雕出三間訪木構建筑的佛龕,余壁滿雕佛像、。后室窟門上雕有明窗,北壁主佛是釋迦佛。第10窟主像是。后室門拱內外兩面有精雕圖案花紋,結構嚴謹,富于變化。第11——13窟是一組,具有前后窟的第12窟為中心窟。11窟中立方塔柱,塔柱四面上下開龕造像,除南面上龕為外,均為釋迦立像。東壁上部有北魏太和七年(483)造像題記,是研究云岡開鑿史的重要資料。窟東北有太和二十年(496)銘龕和七佛立像。第12窟前正室和東西壁上部均雕出三間仿木構建筑屋形佛龕,前列兩柱,洞開三門,窟頂雕有伎樂天,手持排簫、琵琶、橫笛、束腰鼓等樂器,是研究音樂史的重要資料。第13窟本尊是交腳,高約13米,右臂下雕一力士托扛,既產生了力學作用,又兼具裝飾效果。南壁上層的七佛立像和東壁下層的供養天人,皆為窟中精品。東壁佛龕形制各異。五華洞雕飾綺麗,豐富多彩,是研究北魏歷史、藝術、音樂、舞蹈、書法和建筑的珍貴資料,為云岡石窟群的重要組成部分。 云岡東部窟群,指云岡石窟東端1——4,均為塔洞。第1、2窟為同期開的一組,鑿于孝文帝遷洛前,窟內中央雕造方形塔柱,四面開龕造像。第一窟主像是,塔南面下層雕釋迦多寶像,上層雕釋迦像。浮雕五層小塔,是研究北魏建筑的形象資料。第二窟是釋迦像,塔南面下層雕釋迦多寶像,上層雕三世佛。兩窟南壁窟門兩側都雕有維摩、文殊。第三窟為云岡石窟中規模最大的洞窟,前立壁高約25米,傳為曇曜譯經樓。窟分前后兩室。前室上部左右各雕一塔,中雕方形窟室,主像為,壁面滿雕千佛。后室南面兩側雕刻有面貌圓潤、肌肉豐滿、農紋流暢的一佛三。坐像高約10米,二立像高6.2米。從風格和雕刻手法上看,很可能是初唐時的作品。第四窟風化水蝕嚴重,南壁窟門上方有北魏正光年間銘記,是云岡石窟現存最晚的銘記。 云岡西部窟群包括云岡石窟西部第21至45窟,以及一些未編號的小窟小龕。大多屬于北魏太和十八年(494)以后的作品。其特點是不成組的窟多,中小窟多,作為補刻的小龕多。造像多為瘦骨清相,衣紋下部褶紋重疊,神態文雅秀麗,藻井中飄逸灑脫,具有濃厚的漢化風格,與"龍門期"雕刻十分接近。其中第38窟北壁"幢倒樂神"浮雕,是研究北魏雜伎的形象資料。 第39窟中心五層塔柱,塔身每面作五間,六柱,柱頭上斗拱承托出檐,天平座,每層間闊高度皆小于下層,穩重雋秀,是研究早期造塔的重要資料。第40窟整體布局巧妙地運用裝飾藝術,使洞窟格式、構圖既有規律,又有變化,提高了石窟藝術的格調。